Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Medium Format Film

A shrewd garage sale expert scored a gently-used Mamiya 645 medium format camera for me.  I shot the film that was loaded in the camera but didn't know what that film was until I removed the roll.  Turns out it was black and white 100 speed film.  I purchased developing chemicals, a tank and drying clips and read the instructions on the 'net.  I had trouble feeding the roll onto the reel in the dark.  Once that was resolved, I expected the pictures to be destroyed since I handled the negative so much.

Here are a couple of the first shots:

Gracie on the driveway.  Uploaded 3mb jpeg but blogger reduces to 179kb jpeg.

Pond reflection regular 1500 pixel long side jpeg.

Herb garden.  The dog shot was metered in my head; the other two metered through my digital camera's internal meter or a spot meter that came with the camera. 

More shots to follow in the coming weeks.

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